The cambered squat bar will force you to brace harder since the bar can swing.
Cambered bar squat.
I like the cambered bar because you can really load up the weight on good mornings with them and still place it low on your back with absolutely no shoulder strain.
The main advantage of the cambered bar is that it takes stress off the shoulders when performing squats.
It relieves pressure on the shoulders because you grip much power duffalo bar on steroids for shoulder health but does not compare to using a straight bar.
Also using this bar for box squats along with free squats typically help to build the deadlift too.
The cambered bar is thought to relieve the upper back of work and while the load is applied to the lifter at the same point as the bar rests on the back at a similar level as a conventional bar the centre of mass of the bar is much lower.
The cambered trap bar squat ingrains optimal squat depth as the lifter will be forced to use a squat depth somewhere between 90 degrees and parallel 110 degrees.
The cambered squat bar is a great tool to help build your deadlift.
This bar works great for good mornings which is an excellent exercise that can greatly build the deadlift.
That s because the bottom end of the bar touches the thighs at approximately these optimal joint angles.
Great for squats box squats and good mornings to develop explosiveness in your posterior chain.
Cambered bar is used to put more focus on your posterior chain while squatting.
Increases intensity and focus to your hamstrings and lower back as the camber bar allows you to stay vertical to get deeper in your squats.
Your hands rest lower on the cambered bar than they normally would on a straight bar thus making it ideal for people with injured shoulders or poor flexibility.
This specialty bar is rack able on standard power racks squat stands or wall mount rigs.
Can also use the bar for zercher squats overhead pressing overhead lunges or carries.